Promiss Yarber, President
Where were you raised: I was raised in Macon, Georgia.
Where did you complete your undergraduate and/or graduate education: I completed my undergraduate education at Georgia Southern University.
What are your future career plans: My future career plans include being a practicing personal injury attorney and doing pro bono work with the public defender’s office.
What do you look forward to as the SBA President: I most look forward to hearing from students and creating a positive change through open communication with students and faculty.
What are your goals in the position this academic year: My goals in this position this academic year is to promote healthy social and academic life here at Atlanta John Marshall and making positive strides to increase bar passage rate and students confidence in taking this exam.
What do you want your classmates to know about you: I would like my classmates to know that I am here for them and open to any suggestions and critiques that they may have. We are all in this together striving to achieve the same goals so we should all work together to accomplish this.

Edward Hardrick, Vice President
Where were you raised: I was born in Alabama, but raised in Grayson, Georgia.
Where did you complete your undergraduate and/or graduate education: I graduated from the University of North Georgia with a Bachelor’s in Political Science.
What are your future career plans: I plan on practicing Business Law as a litigator.
What do you look forward to as the Vice President: I plan on continuing to establish the culture of study within our school by implementing plans and programs produced by the collaborative effort of the SBA and faculty.
What are your goals in the position this academic year: Establish programs within the school that cultivate bar exam skills such as essay writing and MBE strategy that assist every student from 1L year until 3L year. What do you want your classmates to know about you: I am dedicated to the betterment of our school and student body.
What do you want your classmates to know about you: I am dedicated to the betterment of our school and student body.

Mario Pereira, Treasurer
Where were you raised: I was born in Cali, Colombia. I immigrated to the United States when I was two-years-old, and grew up in West Orange, New Jersey. I later moved to Buford, Georgia during my junior year of high school.
Where did you complete your undergraduate and/or graduate education: I completed my undergraduate degree with a major in criminology at Barry University which is located in Miami, Florida.
What are your future career plans: My goal is to eventually start my own practice and specialize in both immigration law and criminal defense. I also hope to grow my nonprofit organization “United Voices Foundation” which I started with Carolina Arias Cediel, a fellow John Marshall student.
What do you look forward to as the SBA Treasurer: I look forward to fostering better relationships within our John Marshall community. I want to help our student organizations with planning different events that will increase student involvement. I am also looking forward to our next Barrister’s Ball! The SBA Board has many exciting plans for this upcoming academic year.
What are your goals in the position this academic year: As SBA Treasurer my priority will be to provide our students with the resources they need to be successful in their academics. My goal this year is to organize more events that will provide our students with study tools and information on how to prepare for the bar.
What do you want your classmates to know about you: I want my classmates to know that I am very approachable and always open to hearing any concerns they may have. As a member of the SBA Executive Board, it is my duty to be of service to my fellow classmates.

Brianna Smith, Secretary
Where were you raised: I was raised in Brooklyn, New York
Where did you complete your undergraduate and/or graduate education: Howard University
What are your future career plans: I aspire to be an entertainment lawyer, and prayerfully begin a non-profit organization for wrongfully incarcerated juveniles.
What do you look forward to as the SBA Secretary: I look forward to more participation from students at our events. I also look forward to programs that will help with our bar passage rates.
What are your goals in the position this academic year: I would like to help cultivate new programs and engagement amongst the student body.
What do you want your classmates to know about you: I would like my classmates to know that I am willing to listen and help them achieve any goals they may have at John Marshall. I would like them to know that they are not alone in any obstacle they may face.

Whitnie Carter, Parliamentarian
Where were you raised: I was raised in Woodstock, Georgia.
Where did you complete your undergraduate and/or graduate education: I earned my Bachelor’s degree in Journalism and Pre-Law at Georgia State University.
What are your future career plans: Ideally, I want to practice Intellectual Property and Sports and Entertainment Law primarily assisting athletes, artists, and others protect their brand, negotiate deals, and understand their rights.
What do you look forward to as the SBA Parliamentarian: I look forward to maintaining order at any and all meetings pursuant to Robert’s Rules of Order, and being a helping hand to our board, the students, and administration.
What are your goals in the position this academic year: My personal goal for the 2020-2021 academic year is to allow transparency and provide as much feedback to students to allow them to have the best law school experience as we make this transition to non-profit, and continue our initiates to raise bar passage rates.
What do you want your classmates to know about you: I want my classmates to know, I’m always here to listen and help in any way I can. I aim to be accessible and transparent with anything. We are John Marshall Proud!