The Office of Student Affairs is pleased to announce the names of the students who were selected for the Outstanding Student of the Quarter Award. This award is designed to recognize the contributions and efforts of students who excel in and/or out of the classroom and are dedicated to enriching the law school and greater communities.
1L Class

Gabriel Williams
Gabriel Williams is a 1L at AJMLS. Prior to attending AJMLS, Gabriel received a Bachelor’s degree in Criminal Justice at Georgia State University and worked as a legal assistant at the Porter Law Group. In his first semester at AJMLS, Gabriel earned CALI awards in Contracts, Torts, and Legal Writing. Gabriel is an active member of the Sports and Entertainment Law Society, the Black Law Student Association, and the Charlotte E. Ray Legal Society. He is interested in Real Estate Law, Corporate Litigation, and Intellectual Property Law. Outside of school, Gabriel enjoys playing basketball, trying new restaurants, and spending time with his three younger brothers. Gabriel’s definition of an outstanding student is “a student who is hard-working, highly motivated, and eager to learn. An outstanding law student strives for excellence in everything that they do and encourages others around them to do the same.”
2L Class

Nathan Azarowicz
Nathan Azarowicz is a 2L at Atlanta’s John Marshall Law School. He is on the Dean’s List for the Fall 2022 semester. He is a staff editor on the Law Journal and a 2L representative in the Corporate and Business Law Society. He regularly volunteers with the Chattahoochee Riverkeeper and participates in river and lake cleanups. Nathan is interested in becoming more involved and knowledgeable about the business world and wants to pursue a career in business or corporate law. Nathan is currently serving his ninth year in the United States Marine Corps Reserves, where he has earned awards for his leadership and work ethic. Nathan’s definition of an outstanding law student is one “who works hard in and out of the classroom to be prepared for class and doesn’t make excuses when that work gets tough.”

Katherine Collins
Katherine Collins is a 2L evening student. She has received CALI awards in Contracts, Criminal Law, and Criminal Procedure; is secretary of the Student Bar Association; is treasurer of the Public Interest Law Society; and is utilizing her Student Practice Act Certificate to take on pro bono work from Cobb Legal Aid. In the 2021-2022 school year, Katherine spearheaded and organized the SBA’s Spring Picnic, and has been an integral part of the SBA throughout her time at AJMLS. Katherine recently started working for a family law firm in Atlanta, and hopes to continue to gain insight and knowledge from her position to one day be a leading voice amongst family law attorneys. Katherine’s definition of an outstanding law student is one “who has position themselves to be an advocate for others and commits to bettering themselves daily.”

Shanae Hall
Shanae Hall is a 2L and aspires to become a Criminal Defense attorney. She founded the Georgia-based non-profit organization, New Beginnings-Total Rehabilitation Assistance Program. Shanae’s non-profit offers scholarship assistance to help single moms pay for after-school programs and provides yearly scholarships to HBCU students. Not only is Shanae a community activist who works with other non-profits such as Hosea Feed the Hungry and Homeless, and Clippers and Cops, but she is also an avid traveler. Last summer, she studied International Entertainment Law and Drafting International Contracts in London. This summer, she will study South African Criminal Law in Cape Town, South Africa. Her studies abroad have inspired other students to follow in her footsteps. Shanae’s ultimate goal is to either run for Governor and/or become a Superior Court Judge. She is a member of the Georgia State Bar, the AJMLS Advocacy Board, and the Atlanta Bar Association. Throughout her time in Atlanta, she has earned the respect of prominent community leaders and politicians. Shanae’s definition of an outstanding law school student is “one who is willing to put community first. Being a good person should always be your first priority: after that, everything else will fall into place.”

Gavin Kohler
Gavin Kohler is a 2L part-time evening student at AJMLS. He is currently working for a mid-sized law firm in Atlanta as a title examiner for the commercial division. Prior to law school, he volunteered as a delivery driver for Hall County Meals on Wheels. When not at his studies or at work, he is a husband and father to four active children. He coaches his youngest son’s T-Ball team and watches his older children in competition cheer, lacrosse, and football. Gavin’s definition of an outstanding law student is one willing to engage in the depths and facets of the law, able to extrapolate the key elements and find a way to apply those towards the betterment of the community at large. “We as law students must step out of our comfort zones to prepare for the responsibility that we gain as we become better students and future stewards of the law.”

Chayenne Rodriguez
Chayenne Rodriguez is a 2L part-time evening student and a full-time Manager of Communications and Engagement for Technology and Operations at Warner Bros. Discovery. In addition to the work that she does in the classroom and the studios, Chay has taken advantage of the opportunity to participate in the AJMLS Peer Mentoring Program as a peer mentor to incoming 1L students; and has had the privilege to contribute to the mission of increasing the 2% of Black Female Attorneys in this country by taking a leadership position within the Charlotte E. Ray Legal Society or CERLS. She has also competed in the SRBLSA Thurgood Marshall Moot Court Competition on behalf of AJMLS. Chayenne holds a B.S. in Marketing from Rutgers University and an M.S. in Global Fashion Enterprise from Philadelphia University. Chayenne’s definition of an outstanding law student is “someone who is always open to learning, a student who remains curious despite the outcomes of exam results or case holdings, and someone who understands their purpose for pursuing the law may change, but it is always worth it and bigger than what they can imagine.”
3L Class

Brooke Harrison
Brooke Harrison is a 3L in the Criminal Justice Certificate Program. She currently serves as the Director of Community Service for the Southern Region of the Black Law Student Association, the Secretary for the AJMLS Chapter, and regularly volunteers with various organizations in the community. Brooke is a recipient of the John Marshall Law School Scholarship and the Aspiring Public Defender Scholarship. Brooke is interested in Civil Rights, Public Interest, and Criminal Law and plans to forge a path serving communities where these practice areas intersect. Brooke is a member of various bar association sections, and is working tirelessly to expand her professional network. Brooke’s definition of an outstanding law student is “one who is focused on their studies and achieving academic excellence, while also cultivating a safe and close-knit professional network, and committing themselves to serving the needs of the community.”

Lindsey Roberts
Lindsey Roberts is a full-time 3L and will be graduating this May. She has received CALI awards in Legal Writing and Law and Religion, is Vice President of the AJMLS chapter of the Georgia Association for Women Lawyers (GAWL), a Staff Editor of the Law Journal, a Peer Mentor, a Peer Victim’s Advocate, and serves on the Moot Court Advocacy Board. This year, Lindsey has been instrumental in GAWL’s programs to benefit students, including helping to launch the AJMLS Dream Closet, hosting a Halloween costume contest, providing students with snacks for exams, and placing sanitary products and toiletries in school restrooms. She is delighted to have a fantastic group of mentees whom she enjoys watching excel! For the past year, Lindsey has been an extern with Banks, Stubbs & McFarland. Upon graduation and passing the Georgia Bar exam, Lindsey is interested in working in Domestic Relations and Civil Litigation. Lindsey’s definition of an outstanding law student is one “who demonstrates professionalism, and personal responsibility, and fosters relationships across the student body, all while maintaining a sense of humor!”

Raford Kelly
Raford Kelly is a full-time 3L student and will graduate in May 2023. He has received CALI awards in Legal Writing, Research & Analysis I, Criminal Law, Real Property I, Evidence, Business Organizations, and Criminal Procedure. He has also received the Best Oralist Award in his Legal Writing, Research & Analysis II class. He has served as a teaching assistant for Professor Dalton’s Legal Writing, Research & Analysis I and II courses since Fall 2022. He is currently a Line Editor of the Law Journal, where he has been a member since 2021. Raford was invited to join the Journal because he was ranked in the top 10% of his class. Raford has been on the Dean’s List every semester since Spring 2021.
While he is not fully certain of which area of law he will practice, Raford plans to practice in Georgia and has interests in Real Estate, Intellectual Property, and Personal Injury law. Radford’s definition of an outstanding student is “one who realizes the importance of academic excellence and also the power of networking and establishing a reliable community of friends while in law school.”

Carolina Melguizo
Carolina Melguizo is currently a 3L part-time student at AJMLS. In her first year, Carolina earned the CALI award in Legal Writing I and was invited to join the Advocacy Board. During her second year, Carolina served as SBA representative for the 2L evening division, and she has served as a Peer Mentor since 2021.
Carolina currently leads the Advocacy Board: Moot Court and Mock Trial as its Chair. Under Carolina’s leadership, the Advocacy Board has increased its presence in moot court and mock trial competitions around the nation. Additionally, she is setting the foundation for a strong network with professors, alumni, attorneys and judges that can coach and prepare the teams for competitions. Carolina also serves as Co-President for the Caribbean, Hispanic, and Latino Law Student Association.
Carolina’s definition of outstanding student is one “who works hard towards high academic performance, motivates others, is an ambitious learner, pays attention to details, and is devoted to their profession.”
Carolina is interested in expanding her professional network and is proud to be an AJMLS student.
4L Class

Beverly Fratto
Beverly Fratto is a part-time 4L graduating in May. She has served as President of Christian Legal Society and has volunteered to teach Yoga classes for John Marshall students and members of the Atlanta Bar Association. Beverly has two sons who are graduating from Georgia Tech in May, and has continued to be involved with her family, church, and local community while attending law school. She has recently accepted a position as a prosecutor in Peoria, Illinois and is very much looking forward to beginning her new career in their Juvenile Delinquency Court this August. Beverly’s definition of an outstanding law student is one “who does their best work each day, rarely misses class, shows up prepared and on time, stays positive, gives others grace when appropriate, shows respect to fellow students and professors, and takes care of their own personal health and well-being.”