Lisa Tripp
Emeritus Associate Professor
B.S., East Carolina University, magna cum laude
J.D., George Washington University Law School, cum laude
Courses Taught
Health Care Law; Remedies; Torts; Criminal Law
Career Highlights
Lisa Tripp is an Associate Professor at Atlanta’s John Marshall Law School, in Atlanta Georgia. She is a consultant to the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), and is a frequent speaker at conferences around the U.S. and abroad. Professor Tripp’s research and scholarship focuses on areas of U.S. and international law. On the domestic front, she is an expert on federal regulations governing health facilities. Internationally, her research and scholarship focuses on the Eurozone and Greece. Professor Tripp has made numerous appearances on CNN International and has also been a guest on Fox Business Channel.
Prior to joining the faculty of Atlanta’s John Marshall Law School, Professor Tripp practiced health care law for a private law firm and the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. As an attorney for the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), Professor Tripp focused primarily on long term care enforcement. She litigated many cases involving physical and sexual abuse, elopements, falls, neglect and substandard quality of care. Professor Tripp received her law degree, with honors, from George Washington University Law School, in Washington, D.C. Professor Tripp has taught Torts, Remedies, Health Care Law and Criminal Law.
Member, Measures Applications Partnership Post-Acute Care/Long-Term Care Workgroup, National Quality Forum, Washington, D.C., April 2011 to present
Panelist, Medicare Payment Advisory Commission (MedPAC) Panel on Quality Measures for Long Term Care Hospitals, Washington, D.C., October 2010
Member, Emory University, Institutional Review Board, Atlanta, Georgia, September 2010 to June 2012
Steering Committee, National Quality Forum, National Voluntary Consensus Standards for Nursing Homes, Washington, D.C., April 2010 to November 2010
Chairperson, Leadership Council, The National Consumer Voice for Quality Long-Term Care, Washington, D.C., October 2012 to present
Lessons for an Independent Scotland From Greece’s Euro Tragedy, 3 J. Civil Legal Science 128 (2014).
AT&T v. Concepcion: The Problem of a False Majority, forthcoming in the Kansas Journal of Law and Public Policy, Fall (2013).
Arbitration Agreements Used by Nursing Homes: An Empirical Study and Critique of AT&T Mobility v. Concepcion, 35 American J. of Trial Advocacy 87 (2011).
The Medico-Legal Aspects Of Dementia-Driven Resident-To-Resident Sexual Abuse In Nursing Homes, 12 Marquette Elder’s Advisor 363 (2011).
A Senior Moment: The Executive Branch Solution to the Problem of Binding Arbitration Agreements in Nursing Home Admission Contracts, 31 Campbell Law Rev. 157 (2009).